Hiphop-potamus Vs Rhymnoceros

This is what I have gathered together from listening to a few FoTC shows. Probably not but sounds close to me. Intro (this is done on a few versions of the song, like the one on the Craig Ferguson show) (Alternate between the 2 chords) |--9----8----| |-10----9----| |--9----8----| |-11---10----| |--9----8----| |--0----0----| Verse (sometimes add the notes after the chords) (Jemaine plays this part while Bret is rapping, not while he is) |---------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------| |---------------------------------------------| |------------5-------------------2------------| |--7---------3-3-4-5---3---------2-5-3-2------| |--5-5-6-7-------------1-1-2-3---0------------| Verse (Bret plays this part throughout most of the song) |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |--------------2--| |--7---5---3---2--| |--5---3---1---0--| tabbed by Grayson R